
Thursday, March 31, 2011

More about that Bible...

Front Cover
The photo in the previous post was from the Breton Family Bible passed down to Mike Breton by his aunt, Ann Ross Breton, the wife of the late Lynn Breton.  The Bible measures 14 1/2 inches long by 11 1/2 inches wide, is 5 1/4 inches thick and weighs 17 pounds!  It's a big load.  With a embossed cover gilt inscribed “John & Margaret Breton,” the Book documents early Breton  relationships, providing clues to events not otherwise known.  The usage of the Americanized "John and Margaret" rather than Jean and Marguerite indicates that it was purchased a while after their arrival in the U.S. There is no publishing date, but the publishers were Virtue and Yorston in New York.  The book can be seen in an early photograph taken in their house in Huron, Dakota Territory so we know it traveled with them as they moved around the country.  In addition to the Marriage page seen in the previous post, there are pages devoted to Births, Deaths, and Miscellaneous.  The earliest writing is probably the work of Marguerite as seen on the Marriage page, but others have made contributions on the later pages. 

Who's IN the Family?

Jean & Marguerite's Family Bible
The previous posting mentioned that genealogical efforts have mostly been spent attempting to identify descendants of the immigrants, Jean and Marguerite Breton.  Here's a brief listing and explanation of the major branches of the family.  If we count Jean and Marguerite as the first generation of their Bretons to be in the USA, then their children; Maggie, Mary, John Walter and Sarah will be the second generation. Of the four, three had families.  Maggie married Abram Thompson, John Walter married twice; first to Lizzie Sawyer, and after her death, to Gertrude Ward and the youngest, Sarah Breton married Uzell Sawyer.  The third generation saw Maggie have a son, J.W. Breton’s daughter by Lizzie Sawyer was Edith who married into the Edwards family, their son Walter married Maedell Simpson and J.W.'s second marriage produced another son, Vivian who married several times.  Sarah Breton Sawyer had two children, a boy Clyde and a daughter Marguerite who married into the Purcell family.  

Beyond the third generation the names multiply and five more generations have taken root with at least 23 new surnames added as the females have married into other families.  The underlined families have been the main branches that provide plenty of interesting facts and stories.  Some efforts have gone further than others due to the availability of resources, time, and energy.  A five page Descendants chart is available for those who haven’t seen it.  For a copy, email Mike at  The chart shows at least 114 people who are direct descendants.  There are equally extensive charts for some of the mothers’ families such as the Carlos, Haag, Glynn, Gupton, and the Ward families.  Again, it is hoped that upcoming blogs will focus on a branch with their chart and stories.  Comments and suggestions are always welcome.   

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Jean & Marguerite Breton
Photo, Courtesy of Leland Edwards
This is the premier post of a genial genealogical blog that seeks to inform, and elicit help in following the descendants of Jean and Marguerite Breton who emigrated from Guernsey to the USA in 1857.  The research path is contrary to most genealogy efforts in that the direction is not backward from a point, but forward from the point of their arrival.  The plan is to issue the blog as research develops.  Some posts will feature different  branches of the family, some will suggest ways to learn more, and some may be tangential information that is of interest to the author.  The next post will focus on Jean and Marguerite.  The material to be presented comes from a variety of family members, from family research, both online and on–site in Morgan Hill, and from interviews with our older family members.  There is much more to learn, so if you have anything to contribute please feel free to share.  

It has always been a goal to record some of the stories about our family, but the initial efforts have been devoted to identifying who is the family.  With plenty of folks now on record, it is hoped that more people stories can be discovered and retold.  Whatever errors emerge are the responsibility of the author and corrections are most welcome.  We'll see how it goes.  Welcome.